Top 10 Reasons Why Vauxhall Protest Is Really Important

Donnachadh McCarthy at Vauxhall in early December 2013.

Organiser Donnachadh McCarthy writes…

My 10 Top Reasons Why Vauxhall Protest Is Really Important:

1. Not a single extra penny in funding for cycle safety has been announced after the resent spate of cycliing deaths by the Mayor or Boroughs.

2. Not a single extra junction has been added to the miniscule 33 junctions the mayor is proposing to overhaul for cycle safety.

3. No emergency crews have gone out to install urgent cycle by-passes on the thousands of dangerous Left Hand Turns where cyclists are being killed across London since the resent spate of deaths.

4. No pan 20 mph speed limit has been agreed by the Mayor.

5. Out of current 3 year apprximate £21,000 million TfL budget, the Mayor is spending a paltry estimated £300 million on cycling safety, even though this is a significent increase on past budgets. (Est. 1.4% of total budget).

6. The Bankers and Corporate vested interests who control the TfL Board are spending yet another £500 million on refurbishing their Bank Tube Station (= 500 YEARS of current Lambeth Borough’s spending on cycling safety for the whole borough!).
Another £1,000 million is to be spent on two new tube stations to serve the new corporate developments in Battersea ( = more than ENTIRE decades spending on London’s cyclist safety!)

7. Zero is the number of meters of segregated cycle-lanes installed by Lambeth Council over last 4 years.

8. Zero is the number of metres of segregated cycle-lanes installed by Southwark Council in current 3 year budget.

9. 32 is the number of times higher Oxford street pedestrians and cyclists are being killed or seriuosly injured than on regular high-streets.

10. HGV trucks which are designed so that their drivers are blind to a lethally significant
proportion of other adjacent rad users are still sharing our roads with children and pensioners!!

Please add your reasons why you think the Vauxhall Requiem Die-In Protest is important for you in this comment thread.

PLEASE keep spreading the word about the demo in what ever way you can - email , Facebook , leafleting, newspaper comment columns, Twitter, etc etc

Many thanks

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